10 things YOU can do:
Buy fair trade and organic cotton products.
Spread the word. Tell your friends about us..
Ask for organic cotton and fair trade textiles in your favorite clothing store.
Link, bookmark and blog about us.
Write a letter to the editorial office of your local newspaper with the request to write about organic cotton and fair trade. .
Give a presentation on organic and fair production in your association or in school. (We will supply you with the necessary information.)
Demand, that your school, your association, your company or your university uses fair trade and organic cotton T-shirts.
Introduce us or other companies that sell fair fashion to your local copy or textile printing shop.
Become aware of your power as a consumer! The total worldwide consumption of clothing per year is 53.700 t.
Get involved in a fair trade network!
There are many ways how you can get involved. Here are some examples:
Spread the word. Tell your friends about us..
Ask for organic cotton and fair trade textiles in your favorite clothing store.
Link, bookmark and blog about us.
Write a letter to the editorial office of your local newspaper with the request to write about organic cotton and fair trade. .
Give a presentation on organic and fair production in your association or in school. (We will supply you with the necessary information.)
Demand, that your school, your association, your company or your university uses fair trade and organic cotton T-shirts.
Introduce us or other companies that sell fair fashion to your local copy or textile printing shop.
Become aware of your power as a consumer! The total worldwide consumption of clothing per year is 53.700 t.
Get involved in a fair trade network!
There are many ways how you can get involved. Here are some examples:
Organizations, associations, campaigns
Clean Clothes Campaign
Objectives: American and European manufacturers pledge to comply with social minimum standards in their supply chain; create a broad public awareness for unfair labor conditions in the textile industry.
Homepage: cleanclothes.org
Pesticide Action Network (PAN)
Objectives: advance organic and sustainable agriculture globally by informing farmers and public about pesticide and insecticide hazards and by offering knowledge and advice on social and ecological viable alternatives.
Homepage: UK: pan-uk.org
U.S.: pesticideinfo.org
Asia/Pacific: panap.org
Global Marshall Plan
Objectives: establishing a worldwide eco-social market economy by building a local and regional grassroots movement of people and organizations. Individuals can contribute in every thinkable way. Think Global - Act Local! Try it!
Homepage: globalmarshallplan.org
Objectives: American and European manufacturers pledge to comply with social minimum standards in their supply chain; create a broad public awareness for unfair labor conditions in the textile industry.
Homepage: cleanclothes.org
Pesticide Action Network (PAN)
Objectives: advance organic and sustainable agriculture globally by informing farmers and public about pesticide and insecticide hazards and by offering knowledge and advice on social and ecological viable alternatives.
Homepage: UK: pan-uk.org
U.S.: pesticideinfo.org
Asia/Pacific: panap.org
Global Marshall Plan
Objectives: establishing a worldwide eco-social market economy by building a local and regional grassroots movement of people and organizations. Individuals can contribute in every thinkable way. Think Global - Act Local! Try it!
Homepage: globalmarshallplan.org