Das arme Bayer Crop Science und die bösen Inspektoren

“The cases of child labor listed in the table
were discovered by targeted follow-up visits outside the regular, routine
joint visits. The data also show very clearly that if the inspectors find
isolated incidences of children working in a field, they do return to the
same field every one or two days to advise the farmer and to motivate him
to stop using child labor and replace the children with adult labor.
Follow-up visits thus typically monitor the same suspected fields
repeatedly and at short intervals. These visits are continued until a
situation of child labor use (policy violation) is completely eliminated. As
the example of farmer Sankar Reddy (Nattampadu village) in Table 1 of
the “Seeds of Change” report shows, a relative shortage of labor during
the peak season may mean that it takes several days for a farmer to
replace children with adult workers. In such case, it is normal for
inspection teams to go out repeatedly to the same field for follow-up visits
finding the same children for a limited number of days.
While Bayer CropScience also communicates the combined results of joint
and monitoring visits, one must bear in mind that the combination of those
two different visit categories will typically produce a higher average
number of child labor incidence per acre (or higher percentage in the
workforce) than results from either of these visits alone.”

aus “Comments of Bayer CropScience to the report ‘Seeds of Change’ by Dr. Davuluri
Venkateswarlu, June 2007″

Aha, die bösen Inspektoren fälschen also Ergebnisse, indem sie absichtlich mehrere Tage hintereinander dieselben Felder besuchen, um dabei dieselben Kinder zu finden und damit die Statistik gegen Bayer verwenden zu können. Wie perfide!?

Ganz, ganz böse Strategie der bösen, bösen Inspektoren, deshalb kommt dieser Beitrag hier auch in die Kategorie “die ganz, ganz Uneinsichtigen”.

Wer noch ein wenig mehr für dumm verkauft werden will, bitte hier das Bayer-Pamphlet weiterlesen

Ein Kommentar zu “Das arme Bayer Crop Science und die bösen Inspektoren”

  1. Kapitalanhäufung


    Der Staat rüstet auf um dem Terror den Kampf anzusagen, so lauten jedenfalls die Beteuerungen und Rechtfertigungen der politisch Verantwortlichen. Alles in allem wird jedoch in der Öffentlichkeit die Frage wieviel Überwachung für eine Demokratie si…

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